1. Call to Order 2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: • By publication in the official newspapers of the d ate, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance, and • By posting advance written notice on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building, and in the office of the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection. 3. Roll Call of Officials Present: Committeeman Caputo – Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman McCabe – Deputy Mayor Bille - Mayor Novak – 4. Salute to the Flag Invocation: Monsignor Ken Tuzeneu, St. Mary’s Church
Ordinance 2016- 22 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant land known and designated as Block 258, Lot 37; 613 East Bay Avenue, for no consideration Ordinance 2016- 23 (Second Reading) An Ordinance adopting the Shoreline Sand and Gravel, and Compass Point Redevelopment Plan, inclusive of the below listed blocks and lots; (Block 92, Lots 15, 16, 18, 18.01, 20, 21, 23, 23.03 and 23.04; Block 92.103, Lots 1 through 4; Block 92.104, Lots 1 through16; Block 92.015 Lots 1 through 23; Block 92.106, Lots 1 through 24; Block 92.107, Lots 7 & 8; Block 92.108, Lots 15 through 24; Block 92.109, Lots 14 & 15; Block 92.113, Lots 42 through 45; Inclusive of any and all streets “Paper” Streets, Private Drives, and Rights-of-Way)
New Business Approval of the Regular Committee Meeting Minutes for August 2, and Special Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2016 Ordinance 2016-24 (First Reading) An Ordinance amending and supplementing Section 4 of Ordinance 2016-21, inspection fees for services Ordinance 2016-25 (First Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant property known and designated as Block 237, Lot 6 (91 Bayview Boulevard) for no consideration Ordinance 2016-26 (First Reading) An Ordinance regulating the statutory authority of Verizon New Jersey, Inc., its successors and assigns to renew a 50 year easement agreement Ordinance 2016-27 (First Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the sale of property known and designated as Block 114.26 Lot 73, 97 Lexington Boulevard
Formal Action Agenda Resolution 2016-308 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $7,059,909.18 Resolution 2016-308A Resolution requesting a Chapter 159 be added to the 2016 budget for Grant: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Labor Day Crackdown, in the amount of $5,000.00
Consent Agenda: The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of American Legion Unit # John Wesley Taylor to hold an off premise raffle on February 11, 2017. Approval for Mariner’s Lodge #150 F&AM Craftsman Club to hold a Calendar Raffle first Monday of each month for the year 2017. Resolution 2016-309 Resolution of report to the Township Committee of the; principal amount, interest rate, maturity date, and the purchaser of Bonds sold Resolution 2016-310 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at tax sale on various Blocks and Lots Resolution 2016-311 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds from the Water/Sewer account to Tax account for Block 93.25 Lot 9, 4 Amelia Court Resolution 2016-312 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Tax account payment erroneously paid on Block 90 Lot 1, W. Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-313 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund erroneously paid on Block 87 Lot 5, 1379 W. Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-314 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 114.34 Lot 22, 18 Longboat Avenue Resolution 2016- 315 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 262 Lot 20, 150 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-316 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 258 Lot 53, 153 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-317 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Payment erroneously paid on Block 195 Lot 7, 59 S. Main Street Resolution 2016-318 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 102 Lot 8, 12 Seventh Street Resolution 2016-319 Resolution authorizing the W/S Utility Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 114.23 Lot 43, 10 Sloop Court Resolution 2016-320 Resolution authorizing the W/S Utility Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 92.37 Lot 4, 31 Watts Avenue Resolution 2016-321 Resolution cancelling taxes and authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-322 Resolution authorizing Tax Collector to refund Homestead Benefit on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-323 Resolution authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 196.03 Lot 6, 36 Pomona Drive Resolution 2016-324 Resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus property by auction at GovDeals.com Resolution 2016-325 Resolution of the Township of Barnegat to authorize the Municipal Clerk to advertise for the receipt of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for 2017 professionals Resolution 2016-326 Resolution of the Township of Barnegat to authorize reimbursement for cancellation of Recreation program classes Resolution 2016-327 Resolution authorizing a lien be placed on certain properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth violations Resolution 2016-328 Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an extension to Community Development Block Grant Cooperative Agreement with the County of Ocean Resolution 2016-329 Resolution authorizing the immediate repair of Public Works truck in order to maintain Township public facilities in the amount of $19,265.00 Resolution 2016-330 Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a 60 month lease agreement with Great American Leasing Corporation for the Township Postage Machine in the amount of $155 per month Resolution 2016-331 Resolution appointing Lauren Romano as Deputy Court Administrator at an annual salary of $40,000.00 Resolution 2016-332 Resolution appointing Mary Ann Carricarte as Part Time Court Recorder for the Municipal Court at a rate of $80.00 per session Resolution 2016-333 Resolution appointing Lynne Crespy as Pre-school Mommy & Me French Instructor for the Recreation Department at a rate of $5.00 per person per class Resolution 2016-334 Resolution appointing Sean Kean and the firm of Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs as Rent Leveling Attorney for the remainder of 2016 at a rate of $140.00 per hour Resolution 2016-335 Resolution appointing members to the Rent Leveling Board Resolution 2016-336 Resolution denying the release of Performance Guarantee for Off-Site Water System Improvements for Lighthouse Crossing Resolution 2016-337 Resolution denying the release of Performance Guarantee for Off-Site Sanitary Sewer System Improvements for Lighthouse Crossing Resolution 2016-338 Resolution in support of Assembly Bill A1178/Senate Bill 925 authorizing municipal dredging of lagoon community waterways, and levying a special assessment of bonds to finance such dredging Resolution 2016-339 Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits, ZB 15-02, Ciavarelli Resolution 2016-340 Resolution appointing Alternate Crossing Guards for the 2016/2017 school year, at a rate of $12.00 per hour
For Discussion: Construction of Waste Transfer Station on Route 72, site of current Barnegat Auto Wreckers
Resolution 2016-341 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters 12. Motion to Adjourn:
1. Call to Order 2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: • By publication in the official newspapers of the d ate, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance, and • By posting advance written notice on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building, and in the office of the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection. 3. Roll Call of Officials Present: Committeeman Caputo – Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman McCabe – Deputy Mayor Bille - Mayor Novak – 4. Salute to the Flag Invocation: Monsignor Ken Tuzeneu, St. Mary’s Church
Ordinance 2016- 22 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant land known and designated as Block 258, Lot 37; 613 East Bay Avenue, for no consideration Ordinance 2016- 23 (Second Reading) An Ordinance adopting the Shoreline Sand and Gravel, and Compass Point Redevelopment Plan, inclusive of the below listed blocks and lots; (Block 92, Lots 15, 16, 18, 18.01, 20, 21, 23, 23.03 and 23.04; Block 92.103, Lots 1 through 4; Block 92.104, Lots 1 through16; Block 92.015 Lots 1 through 23; Block 92.106, Lots 1 through 24; Block 92.107, Lots 7 & 8; Block 92.108, Lots 15 through 24; Block 92.109, Lots 14 & 15; Block 92.113, Lots 42 through 45; Inclusive of any and all streets “Paper” Streets, Private Drives, and Rights-of-Way)
New Business Approval of the Regular Committee Meeting Minutes for August 2, and Special Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2016 Ordinance 2016-24 (First Reading) An Ordinance amending and supplementing Section 4 of Ordinance 2016-21, inspection fees for services Ordinance 2016-25 (First Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant property known and designated as Block 237, Lot 6 (91 Bayview Boulevard) for no consideration Ordinance 2016-26 (First Reading) An Ordinance regulating the statutory authority of Verizon New Jersey, Inc., its successors and assigns to renew a 50 year easement agreement Ordinance 2016-27 (First Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the sale of property known and designated as Block 114.26 Lot 73, 97 Lexington Boulevard
Formal Action Agenda Resolution 2016-308 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $7,059,909.18 Resolution 2016-308A Resolution requesting a Chapter 159 be added to the 2016 budget for Grant: Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Labor Day Crackdown, in the amount of $5,000.00
Consent Agenda: The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of American Legion Unit # John Wesley Taylor to hold an off premise raffle on February 11, 2017. Approval for Mariner’s Lodge #150 F&AM Craftsman Club to hold a Calendar Raffle first Monday of each month for the year 2017. Resolution 2016-309 Resolution of report to the Township Committee of the; principal amount, interest rate, maturity date, and the purchaser of Bonds sold Resolution 2016-310 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at tax sale on various Blocks and Lots Resolution 2016-311 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds from the Water/Sewer account to Tax account for Block 93.25 Lot 9, 4 Amelia Court Resolution 2016-312 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Tax account payment erroneously paid on Block 90 Lot 1, W. Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-313 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund erroneously paid on Block 87 Lot 5, 1379 W. Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-314 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 114.34 Lot 22, 18 Longboat Avenue Resolution 2016- 315 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 262 Lot 20, 150 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-316 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 258 Lot 53, 153 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-317 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Payment erroneously paid on Block 195 Lot 7, 59 S. Main Street Resolution 2016-318 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 102 Lot 8, 12 Seventh Street Resolution 2016-319 Resolution authorizing the W/S Utility Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 114.23 Lot 43, 10 Sloop Court Resolution 2016-320 Resolution authorizing the W/S Utility Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 92.37 Lot 4, 31 Watts Avenue Resolution 2016-321 Resolution cancelling taxes and authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-322 Resolution authorizing Tax Collector to refund Homestead Benefit on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-323 Resolution authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 196.03 Lot 6, 36 Pomona Drive Resolution 2016-324 Resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus property by auction at GovDeals.com Resolution 2016-325 Resolution of the Township of Barnegat to authorize the Municipal Clerk to advertise for the receipt of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for 2017 professionals Resolution 2016-326 Resolution of the Township of Barnegat to authorize reimbursement for cancellation of Recreation program classes Resolution 2016-327 Resolution authorizing a lien be placed on certain properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth violations Resolution 2016-328 Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an extension to Community Development Block Grant Cooperative Agreement with the County of Ocean Resolution 2016-329 Resolution authorizing the immediate repair of Public Works truck in order to maintain Township public facilities in the amount of $19,265.00 Resolution 2016-330 Resolution authorizing the Administrator to sign a 60 month lease agreement with Great American Leasing Corporation for the Township Postage Machine in the amount of $155 per month Resolution 2016-331 Resolution appointing Lauren Romano as Deputy Court Administrator at an annual salary of $40,000.00 Resolution 2016-332 Resolution appointing Mary Ann Carricarte as Part Time Court Recorder for the Municipal Court at a rate of $80.00 per session Resolution 2016-333 Resolution appointing Lynne Crespy as Pre-school Mommy & Me French Instructor for the Recreation Department at a rate of $5.00 per person per class Resolution 2016-334 Resolution appointing Sean Kean and the firm of Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri, Jacobs as Rent Leveling Attorney for the remainder of 2016 at a rate of $140.00 per hour Resolution 2016-335 Resolution appointing members to the Rent Leveling Board Resolution 2016-336 Resolution denying the release of Performance Guarantee for Off-Site Water System Improvements for Lighthouse Crossing Resolution 2016-337 Resolution denying the release of Performance Guarantee for Off-Site Sanitary Sewer System Improvements for Lighthouse Crossing Resolution 2016-338 Resolution in support of Assembly Bill A1178/Senate Bill 925 authorizing municipal dredging of lagoon community waterways, and levying a special assessment of bonds to finance such dredging Resolution 2016-339 Resolution authorizing the refund of escrow deposits, ZB 15-02, Ciavarelli Resolution 2016-340 Resolution appointing Alternate Crossing Guards for the 2016/2017 school year, at a rate of $12.00 per hour
For Discussion: Construction of Waste Transfer Station on Route 72, site of current Barnegat Auto Wreckers
Resolution 2016-341 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters 12. Motion to Adjourn: