1. Call to Order 2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: • By publication in the official newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance, and • By posting advance written notice on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building, and in the office of the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection. 3. Roll Call of Officials Present: Committeeman Caputo -Committeeman Cirulli -Committeewoman McCabe -Deputy Mayor Bille -Mayor Novak - 4. Salute to the Flag Invocation: Rev. Glenn Swank, Barnegat Bay Assembly of God Presentation of retirement plaque to Dock Master Phil Greco
Old Business Ordinance 2016-24 (Second Reading) An Ordinance amending and supplementing Section 4 of Ordinance 2016-21, inspection fees for services Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-25 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant property known and designated as Block 237, Lot 6 (91 Bayview Boulevard) for no consideration Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-26 (Second Reading) An Ordinance regulating the statutory authority of Verizon New Jersey, Inc., its successors and assigns to renew a 50 year easement agreement Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-27 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the sale of property known and designated as Block 114.26 Lot 73, 97 Lexington Boulevard Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
New Business Approval of the Regular Committee Meeting Minutes for September 6, 2016 and Special Meeting of September 21, 2016. Motion to approve minutes: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-28 (First Reading) An Ordinance providing for the Vacation of a portion of certain Right-of-ways and paper streets located within Barnegat Township (Burns Place) Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
Formal Action Agenda Resolution 2016-345 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $5,906,031.29 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Resolution 2016-345A Resolution cancelling Grant balances on various Grant Receivables and Grant Reserves Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of Barnegat Fire Company #11 Ladies Auxiliary to hold a Basket Auction on October 8th, 2016 Approval of the Barnegat Township Education Foundation to hold On Premise 50/50's on October 7th, 14th, and November 4th Approval of Senior Bingo for Pinewood Estates Social Club for period of October 4, 2016 to October 4, 2018 Approval for Hearts of Mercy, a non-profit organization to hold a Neighborhood Fun Day at Bilge Avenue Playground on Saturday, October 29 (rain date, October 30) from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Approval for the Pine Barrens 500 to pass through Bamegat Township during their "Adventure Ride" on November 11th through November 13th 2016 Approval for the American Legion to sell Pull-Tab Instant win tickets for 2017 Approval for American Legion to hold Bingo every Monday night in 2017 Resolution 2016-346 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at tax sale on various Blocks and Lots Resolution 2016-347 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 142.03 Lot 9.01, Open Space Pennsylvania Resolution 2016-348 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Tax account payment erroneously paid on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-349 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 208.03 Lot 191, 240 Edison Road Resolution 2016-350 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 95.32 Lot 3,4 Kettle Creek Ct Resolution 2016-351 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 258 Lot 54,133 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-352 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Payment erroneously paid on Block 114.54 Lot 22.16, 2 Southwind Court Resolution 2016-353 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 142.07 Lot 7, 4 Ryan Rd Resolution 2016-354 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment based on a Tax Appeal for Block 87 Lot 2.01, 1399 West Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-355 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds to the W/S Utility Account on Block 114.26 Lot 24,76 Schooner Ave Resolution 2016-356 Resolution cancelling taxes and authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 90.21 Lot 3, 9 Marblehead PI Resolution 2016-357 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 161.08 Lot 9.15, 31 Jon Drive Resolution 2016-358 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 144.03 Lot 30, Open Space Vivas Drive Resolution 2016-359 Resolution authorizing Tax Collector to refund Homestead Benefit on Block 114.34 Lot 22, Melvin & Kathleen Roberts Resolution 2016-360 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment based on a Tax Appeal for Block 116.05 Lot 26, 4 Quartz Terrace Resolution 2016-360A Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds from the Tax account to the Water/Sewer account for Block 161.08 Lot 10; 19 Whisper Way Resolution 2016-361 Resolution creating a Municipal Fund Balance Policy Resolution 2016-362 Resolution appointing personnel for the Recreation Department Resolution 2016-363 Resolution of the Township of Bamegat to authorize reimbursement for cancellation of Recreation program classes Resolution 2016-364 Resolution authorizing a lien be placed on certain properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth violations Resolution 2016-365 Resolution authorizing the release of a Ten Year Inspection guarantee for Cliff Schoenberger, Block 81, Lot 8.01. Resolution 2016-366 Resolution authorizing the release of Road Opening bond for 121 Railroad Avenue to Katcon Enterprises Inc. Resolution 2016-367 Resolution denying the release of Reforestation Bond for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to Desapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-368 Resolution denying the release of Site Performance Guarantee for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development Inc. Resolution 2016-369 Resolution approving the release of Performance Bond for Temporary Water Service Connection for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-370 Resolution approving the release of Performance Bond for Temporary Grinder Pump & Force Main for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-371 Resolution adopting the 2015-Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Ocean County Resolution 2016-372 Resolution adopting the 2016-Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Ocean County Resolution 2016-373 Resolution authorizing the execution of a Shared Services Agreement with Ocean County Police Services for the Ocean County Gang, Gun and Narcotics Task Force ("SOG") Resolution 2016-374 Resolution authorizing the purchase of Musco Light Structure Green System equipment for the Barnegat Football Field at Lower Shore Road through the N.J.P.A. Cooperative Pricing System in the amount of $174,398.00 Resolution 2016-375 Resolution accepting a Maintenance Bond and Authorizing the Release of the Performance Bond for the FY2014 Harpoon Drive Road Rehabilitation Project Resolution 2016-376 Resolution amending the Barnegat Township Policies and Procedures Employee Handbook Resolution 2016-377 Resolution authorizing the Township Administrator to sign an agreement with GTBM for E-Ticket software and hardware renewal for 2016 in the amount of $5,200.00 Resolution 2016-378 Resolution authorizing the award of a contract to Mathis Construction Company for the Barnegat Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $194,754.60 Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
11. Discussion items by the Township Committee: Resolution 2016-379 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, contractual or litigation matters ion to adopt resolution: Second: I Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: 12. Motion to Adjourn:
1. Call to Order 2. Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: • By publication in the official newspapers of the date, time and location of this meeting more than 48 hours in advance, and • By posting advance written notice on the Official Bulletin Board in the Municipal Building, and in the office of the Township Clerk for the purpose of Public inspection. 3. Roll Call of Officials Present: Committeeman Caputo -Committeeman Cirulli -Committeewoman McCabe -Deputy Mayor Bille -Mayor Novak - 4. Salute to the Flag Invocation: Rev. Glenn Swank, Barnegat Bay Assembly of God Presentation of retirement plaque to Dock Master Phil Greco
Old Business Ordinance 2016-24 (Second Reading) An Ordinance amending and supplementing Section 4 of Ordinance 2016-21, inspection fees for services Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-25 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of vacant property known and designated as Block 237, Lot 6 (91 Bayview Boulevard) for no consideration Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-26 (Second Reading) An Ordinance regulating the statutory authority of Verizon New Jersey, Inc., its successors and assigns to renew a 50 year easement agreement Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-27 (Second Reading) An Ordinance authorizing the sale of property known and designated as Block 114.26 Lot 73, 97 Lexington Boulevard Motion to Open Public Comment: Second: Motion to Close Public comment: Second: Motion to adopt Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
New Business Approval of the Regular Committee Meeting Minutes for September 6, 2016 and Special Meeting of September 21, 2016. Motion to approve minutes: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Ordinance 2016-28 (First Reading) An Ordinance providing for the Vacation of a portion of certain Right-of-ways and paper streets located within Barnegat Township (Burns Place) Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
Formal Action Agenda Resolution 2016-345 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $5,906,031.29 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: Resolution 2016-345A Resolution cancelling Grant balances on various Grant Receivables and Grant Reserves Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, this item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of Barnegat Fire Company #11 Ladies Auxiliary to hold a Basket Auction on October 8th, 2016 Approval of the Barnegat Township Education Foundation to hold On Premise 50/50's on October 7th, 14th, and November 4th Approval of Senior Bingo for Pinewood Estates Social Club for period of October 4, 2016 to October 4, 2018 Approval for Hearts of Mercy, a non-profit organization to hold a Neighborhood Fun Day at Bilge Avenue Playground on Saturday, October 29 (rain date, October 30) from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Approval for the Pine Barrens 500 to pass through Bamegat Township during their "Adventure Ride" on November 11th through November 13th 2016 Approval for the American Legion to sell Pull-Tab Instant win tickets for 2017 Approval for American Legion to hold Bingo every Monday night in 2017 Resolution 2016-346 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at tax sale on various Blocks and Lots Resolution 2016-347 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 142.03 Lot 9.01, Open Space Pennsylvania Resolution 2016-348 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Tax account payment erroneously paid on Block 92.120 Lot 31, 2 Montauk Place Resolution 2016-349 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 208.03 Lot 191, 240 Edison Road Resolution 2016-350 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 95.32 Lot 3,4 Kettle Creek Ct Resolution 2016-351 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 258 Lot 54,133 Lower Shore Road Resolution 2016-352 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund Payment erroneously paid on Block 114.54 Lot 22.16, 2 Southwind Court Resolution 2016-353 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 142.07 Lot 7, 4 Ryan Rd Resolution 2016-354 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment based on a Tax Appeal for Block 87 Lot 2.01, 1399 West Bay Avenue Resolution 2016-355 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds to the W/S Utility Account on Block 114.26 Lot 24,76 Schooner Ave Resolution 2016-356 Resolution cancelling taxes and authorizing a refund due to Totally Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption on Block 90.21 Lot 3, 9 Marblehead PI Resolution 2016-357 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 161.08 Lot 9.15, 31 Jon Drive Resolution 2016-358 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 144.03 Lot 30, Open Space Vivas Drive Resolution 2016-359 Resolution authorizing Tax Collector to refund Homestead Benefit on Block 114.34 Lot 22, Melvin & Kathleen Roberts Resolution 2016-360 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment based on a Tax Appeal for Block 116.05 Lot 26, 4 Quartz Terrace Resolution 2016-360A Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to transfer funds from the Tax account to the Water/Sewer account for Block 161.08 Lot 10; 19 Whisper Way Resolution 2016-361 Resolution creating a Municipal Fund Balance Policy Resolution 2016-362 Resolution appointing personnel for the Recreation Department Resolution 2016-363 Resolution of the Township of Bamegat to authorize reimbursement for cancellation of Recreation program classes Resolution 2016-364 Resolution authorizing a lien be placed on certain properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth violations Resolution 2016-365 Resolution authorizing the release of a Ten Year Inspection guarantee for Cliff Schoenberger, Block 81, Lot 8.01. Resolution 2016-366 Resolution authorizing the release of Road Opening bond for 121 Railroad Avenue to Katcon Enterprises Inc. Resolution 2016-367 Resolution denying the release of Reforestation Bond for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to Desapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-368 Resolution denying the release of Site Performance Guarantee for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development Inc. Resolution 2016-369 Resolution approving the release of Performance Bond for Temporary Water Service Connection for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-370 Resolution approving the release of Performance Bond for Temporary Grinder Pump & Force Main for Block 164, Lot 2.01 to DeSapio Development, Inc. Resolution 2016-371 Resolution adopting the 2015-Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Ocean County Resolution 2016-372 Resolution adopting the 2016-Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Ocean County Resolution 2016-373 Resolution authorizing the execution of a Shared Services Agreement with Ocean County Police Services for the Ocean County Gang, Gun and Narcotics Task Force ("SOG") Resolution 2016-374 Resolution authorizing the purchase of Musco Light Structure Green System equipment for the Barnegat Football Field at Lower Shore Road through the N.J.P.A. Cooperative Pricing System in the amount of $174,398.00 Resolution 2016-375 Resolution accepting a Maintenance Bond and Authorizing the Release of the Performance Bond for the FY2014 Harpoon Drive Road Rehabilitation Project Resolution 2016-376 Resolution amending the Barnegat Township Policies and Procedures Employee Handbook Resolution 2016-377 Resolution authorizing the Township Administrator to sign an agreement with GTBM for E-Ticket software and hardware renewal for 2016 in the amount of $5,200.00 Resolution 2016-378 Resolution authorizing the award of a contract to Mathis Construction Company for the Barnegat Boulevard Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $194,754.60 Motion to Adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak:
11. Discussion items by the Township Committee: Resolution 2016-379 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, contractual or litigation matters ion to adopt resolution: Second: I Call: Caputo: Cirulli: McCabe: Bille: Novak: 12. Motion to Adjourn: