Call to Order the August 4, 2020 Township Committee Meetmg: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the Municipal website for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeeman Bille - Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman Kropf - Deputy Mayor Pipi - Mayor Novak -
Public Session Comment as advertised: If you wish to comment on this agenda or other matters or to have your comment read into the record of this meeting, please provide your comment to before 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Please include in the subject line: "Public Comment August 4, 2020", include name and address for the record.
Ordinance 2020 -10 (Second Reading) Capital Improvement Ordinance providing for the purchase of a 2020 Enforcer Pumper Fire Truck for the Township, and appropriating the amount of $525,000.00 Motion to open Public Comment: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Resolution 2020 - 231 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,673,036.25 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Approval of the minutes from the July 9, 2020 meeting minutes Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 - 11 (First Reading) Amending and supplementing various sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 55-19 CN Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-57 Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-305 Definitions and Word Usage, 55-173 Minimum Parking Requirements Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 -12 (First Reading) Amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Sections 34.3 Definitions, 34.7 TC-CPHD Zone, 34.8 TC-CN Zone, 34.9 TC-CV Zone Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval for Barnegat sports Boosters to hold Pocketbook Bingo, Gift auction, on premise 50/50, and merchandise raffle on October 9, 2020 Approval for Block Party, Deer Run Drive, North, September 5, 2020, with the condition that all COVID restrictions in place will be adhered to throughout the duration of Block party by all participants Approval for Horizon's At Barnegat Women's Club to hold Merchandise Raffle on August 22, 2020 (rain date August 23, 2020) Resolution 2020 - 232 Authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2020 - 233 Authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 116.24 Lot 5; 5 Chestnut Way Circle Resolution 2020 - 234 Authorizing a Lien be placed of various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2020 - 235 Authorizing the Tax Collector to place a municipal lien on Block 114.25 Lot 9, 69 Schooner Avenue for costs related to court ordered demolition of property Resolution 2020 - 236 Award of contract to Earle Asphalt Company for the Pine Oak Boulevard Improvement Project, Phase 1 in the amount not to exceed $268,013.13 Resolution 2020 - 237 Approving contracts for the purchase and delivery of Rock Salt, Deicing agents from the Stafford Township Cooperative pricing system in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00 Resolution 2020 - 238 Amending the contract with the Goldstein Partnership with regard to professional services for the new Public Works building Resolution 2020 - 239 Authorizing the execution of an agreement with the County of Ocean for the OCCares Grant Program Resolution 2020 - 240 Authorizing purchase of pierce Fire Apparatus through the Sourcewell Cooperative Pricing System #022818-PMI in an amount not to exceed $608,622.78 Resolution 2020 - 241 Authorizing the Municipal Clerk to advertise for receipt of 2021 Professional RFP Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Items of discussion by Committee members: Resolution 2020 - 242 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Items of discussion by Committee members
Resolution 2020 - 242 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Motion to Adjourn: All in favor: Opposed:
Call to Order the August 4, 2020 Township Committee Meetmg: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the Municipal website for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeeman Bille - Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman Kropf - Deputy Mayor Pipi - Mayor Novak -
Public Session Comment as advertised: If you wish to comment on this agenda or other matters or to have your comment read into the record of this meeting, please provide your comment to before 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Please include in the subject line: "Public Comment August 4, 2020", include name and address for the record.
Ordinance 2020 -10 (Second Reading) Capital Improvement Ordinance providing for the purchase of a 2020 Enforcer Pumper Fire Truck for the Township, and appropriating the amount of $525,000.00 Motion to open Public Comment: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Resolution 2020 - 231 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,673,036.25 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Approval of the minutes from the July 9, 2020 meeting minutes Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 - 11 (First Reading) Amending and supplementing various sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 55-19 CN Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-57 Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-305 Definitions and Word Usage, 55-173 Minimum Parking Requirements Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 -12 (First Reading) Amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Sections 34.3 Definitions, 34.7 TC-CPHD Zone, 34.8 TC-CN Zone, 34.9 TC-CV Zone Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval for Barnegat sports Boosters to hold Pocketbook Bingo, Gift auction, on premise 50/50, and merchandise raffle on October 9, 2020 Approval for Block Party, Deer Run Drive, North, September 5, 2020, with the condition that all COVID restrictions in place will be adhered to throughout the duration of Block party by all participants Approval for Horizon's At Barnegat Women's Club to hold Merchandise Raffle on August 22, 2020 (rain date August 23, 2020) Resolution 2020 - 232 Authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2020 - 233 Authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid on Block 116.24 Lot 5; 5 Chestnut Way Circle Resolution 2020 - 234 Authorizing a Lien be placed of various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2020 - 235 Authorizing the Tax Collector to place a municipal lien on Block 114.25 Lot 9, 69 Schooner Avenue for costs related to court ordered demolition of property Resolution 2020 - 236 Award of contract to Earle Asphalt Company for the Pine Oak Boulevard Improvement Project, Phase 1 in the amount not to exceed $268,013.13 Resolution 2020 - 237 Approving contracts for the purchase and delivery of Rock Salt, Deicing agents from the Stafford Township Cooperative pricing system in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00 Resolution 2020 - 238 Amending the contract with the Goldstein Partnership with regard to professional services for the new Public Works building Resolution 2020 - 239 Authorizing the execution of an agreement with the County of Ocean for the OCCares Grant Program Resolution 2020 - 240 Authorizing purchase of pierce Fire Apparatus through the Sourcewell Cooperative Pricing System #022818-PMI in an amount not to exceed $608,622.78 Resolution 2020 - 241 Authorizing the Municipal Clerk to advertise for receipt of 2021 Professional RFP Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Items of discussion by Committee members: Resolution 2020 - 242 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Items of discussion by Committee members
Resolution 2020 - 242 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Motion to Adjourn: All in favor: Opposed: