Call to Order the October 6, 2020 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given more than 48 hours in advance by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the Municipal website for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeeman Bille - Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman Kropf - Deputy Mayor Pipi - Mayor Novak -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record.
Ordinance 2020 – 11 (Second Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing various sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 55-19 CN Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-57 Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-305 Definitions and Word Usage, 55-173 Minimum Parking Requirements Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 12 (Second Reading) Amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 34.3 Definitions, Section 34.7 TC-CPHD Zone, Section 34.8 TC-CN Zone, Sections34.9 TC-CV Zone Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 14 (Second Reading) An ordinance of the Township amending Ordinance 2017-27 cancelling certain unfunded appropriation balances heretofore provided for the construction of a New Public Works Building totaling $1,000,000.00 and reappropriating such balances for the construction of the New Township Municipal Building Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 16 (Second Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending Ordinance 2017-27, cancelling certain funded appropriation balances from Ordinance 2015-7 and Reappropriating such balances for the construction of the New Township Municipal Building in addition to additional appropriation from Capital Improvement Fund for the same Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Resolution 2020 – 267 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,171,162.85 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Approval of the minutes from the September 1, 2020 meeting minutes Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Resolution 2020 – 268 Authorizing award of a bid for construction of the New Town Hall Municipal Complex to Frankoski Construction Co., Inc. in an amount not to exceed of $12,964,000.00 Motion to adopt Resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 –17 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 70D of the Township Code entitled “Wildlife Feeding, Prohibited” Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 18 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 63B of the Township General Code entitled “Rental Properties” Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 19 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township authorizing the sale of real property known as Block 126 Lot 5, 51 Cape May Avenue Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval for Zzak G. Applaud Kids Foundation, Inc. to hold virtual merchandise raffle on October 22, 2020 Approval for Barnegat Sports Boosters, Inc. to hold off premise 50/50 raffle on December 16, 2020 Approval for St. Mary’s Church to hold Calendar Raffle for the year 2021 Approval of membership to the Barnegat First Aid Squad for the following individuals; Reannah Cooper, Amanda Honebein, Heather Lynn, Thomas Fraim, Jr., Approval of membership to the Barnegat Fire Department for the following individuals; Anthony L. Robinson, Jr., Michael Bayer, John Burns, Joshua W. Hennedy, and as Junior Firefighter: Riley M. Hill Resolution 2020 – 269 Authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2020 – 270 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.25 Lot 31; 71 Portland Street Resolution 2020 – 271 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.20 Lot 44; 40 Mission Way Resolution 2020 – 272 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.23 Lot 9; 29 Mission Way Resolution 2020 – 273 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 111.03 Lot 3; 1 Green Court Resolution 2020 – 274 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.37 Lot 2; 35 Watts Avenue Resolution 2020 – 275 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.27 Lot 27; 9 Anchor Road Resolution 2020 – 276 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 115.07 Lot 12; 61 Quail Road Resolution 2020 – 277 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 116.26 Lot 13; 25 Aspen Circle Resolution 2020 – 278 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 196.01 Lot 47; 131 Beverly Drive Resolution 2020 – 279 Authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid Block 174 Lot 42.13; 7 Cherry Street Resolution 2020 – 280 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel taxes considered exempt on Block 114.51 Lot 2.01 Resolution 2020 – 281 Authorizing reimbursement for damaged fence Block 255 Lot 21; 7 Maple Avenue Resolution 2020 – 282 Authorizing an unpaid medical leave extension to Michael Ball Resolution 2020 – 283 Authorizing a medical leave for Linda Bernal Resolution 2020 – 284 Authorizing a medical leave for Joanne Gelato Resolution 2020 – 285 Authorizing appointment full time Laborer for the Water/Sewer Department Richard Rolenc Resolution 2020 – 286 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Kenneth Calicchio Resolution 2020 – 287 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Nicholas Castrovilly Resolution 2020 – 288 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Nicole Lentini Resolution 2020 – 289 Authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a matching grant to enhance Recreational Programs for Individuals with Special Needs Resolution 2020 – 290 Authorizing the Administrator to sign a lease contract with Cannon Solutions for the Water/Sewer Department, $141.00/month for 60 months Resolution 2020 – 291 Authorizing purchase of Case Model 580 Super N T4F Backhoe from GT Mid-Atlantic LLC through the Sourcewell Cooperative Pricing Program Contract #32119-CNH in an amount not to exceed $103,931.94 Resolution 2020 – 292 Authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits, Walters Development Co., LLC, PB 13-15, Block 92.23 Lots 1, 2 & 30 Resolution 2020 – 293 Authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits, Walters Development Co., LLC, PB 13-16, Block 92.66 Lots 7, 8 & 23 Resolution 2020 – 294 Awarding Final Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities approval to ZB 16-01, Merritt Plaza, LLC, Block 159 Lot 4, project 455 North Main Street Resolution 2020 – 295 Authorizing the release of Monument Bond to Bunker Hill Homes, Block 174 Lot 46.02 Resolution 2020 – 296 Denying the release of Road Opening Bond to Moonstone for 113 Bengal Boulevard Resolution 2020 - 297 Authorizing a Lien be placed on various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2020 – 298 Resolution opposing a constitutional amendment legalizing recreational cannabis use and sales Resolution 2020 – 299 Resolution opposing JCP&L Verified Petition for a rate increase and request the appointment of a Special Master to audit Resolution 2020 – 300 Resolution urging JCP&L to reimburse residents for spoiled food and medicine during the power outage that began on August 4, 2020 Resolution 2020 – 300A Authorizing employment separation with Tax Assessor Personnel Gail Zalfa Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Items of discussion by Committee members
Resolution 2020 – 301 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Motion to Adjourn:
Call to Order the October 6, 2020 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given more than 48 hours in advance by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the Municipal website for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeeman Bille - Committeeman Cirulli - Committeewoman Kropf - Deputy Mayor Pipi - Mayor Novak -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record.
Ordinance 2020 – 11 (Second Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing various sections of Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 55-19 CN Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-57 Neighborhood Commercial Zone, 55-305 Definitions and Word Usage, 55-173 Minimum Parking Requirements Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 12 (Second Reading) Amending and supplementing Chapter 55 of the Township Land Use Code, Section 34.3 Definitions, Section 34.7 TC-CPHD Zone, Section 34.8 TC-CN Zone, Sections34.9 TC-CV Zone Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 14 (Second Reading) An ordinance of the Township amending Ordinance 2017-27 cancelling certain unfunded appropriation balances heretofore provided for the construction of a New Public Works Building totaling $1,000,000.00 and reappropriating such balances for the construction of the New Township Municipal Building Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 16 (Second Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending Ordinance 2017-27, cancelling certain funded appropriation balances from Ordinance 2015-7 and Reappropriating such balances for the construction of the New Township Municipal Building in addition to additional appropriation from Capital Improvement Fund for the same Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Resolution 2020 – 267 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $6,171,162.85 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Approval of the minutes from the September 1, 2020 meeting minutes Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Resolution 2020 – 268 Authorizing award of a bid for construction of the New Town Hall Municipal Complex to Frankoski Construction Co., Inc. in an amount not to exceed of $12,964,000.00 Motion to adopt Resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 –17 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 70D of the Township Code entitled “Wildlife Feeding, Prohibited” Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 18 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township amending and supplementing Chapter 63B of the Township General Code entitled “Rental Properties” Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Ordinance 2020 – 19 (First Reading) An Ordinance of the Township authorizing the sale of real property known as Block 126 Lot 5, 51 Cape May Avenue Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval for Zzak G. Applaud Kids Foundation, Inc. to hold virtual merchandise raffle on October 22, 2020 Approval for Barnegat Sports Boosters, Inc. to hold off premise 50/50 raffle on December 16, 2020 Approval for St. Mary’s Church to hold Calendar Raffle for the year 2021 Approval of membership to the Barnegat First Aid Squad for the following individuals; Reannah Cooper, Amanda Honebein, Heather Lynn, Thomas Fraim, Jr., Approval of membership to the Barnegat Fire Department for the following individuals; Anthony L. Robinson, Jr., Michael Bayer, John Burns, Joshua W. Hennedy, and as Junior Firefighter: Riley M. Hill Resolution 2020 – 269 Authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2020 – 270 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.25 Lot 31; 71 Portland Street Resolution 2020 – 271 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.20 Lot 44; 40 Mission Way Resolution 2020 – 272 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 93.23 Lot 9; 29 Mission Way Resolution 2020 – 273 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 111.03 Lot 3; 1 Green Court Resolution 2020 – 274 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.37 Lot 2; 35 Watts Avenue Resolution 2020 – 275 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.27 Lot 27; 9 Anchor Road Resolution 2020 – 276 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 115.07 Lot 12; 61 Quail Road Resolution 2020 – 277 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 116.26 Lot 13; 25 Aspen Circle Resolution 2020 – 278 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2020 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 196.01 Lot 47; 131 Beverly Drive Resolution 2020 – 279 Authorizing the Tax Collector to refund payment erroneously paid Block 174 Lot 42.13; 7 Cherry Street Resolution 2020 – 280 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel taxes considered exempt on Block 114.51 Lot 2.01 Resolution 2020 – 281 Authorizing reimbursement for damaged fence Block 255 Lot 21; 7 Maple Avenue Resolution 2020 – 282 Authorizing an unpaid medical leave extension to Michael Ball Resolution 2020 – 283 Authorizing a medical leave for Linda Bernal Resolution 2020 – 284 Authorizing a medical leave for Joanne Gelato Resolution 2020 – 285 Authorizing appointment full time Laborer for the Water/Sewer Department Richard Rolenc Resolution 2020 – 286 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Kenneth Calicchio Resolution 2020 – 287 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Nicholas Castrovilly Resolution 2020 – 288 Authorizing Full time appointment for Non-Certified Police Officer Nicole Lentini Resolution 2020 – 289 Authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a matching grant to enhance Recreational Programs for Individuals with Special Needs Resolution 2020 – 290 Authorizing the Administrator to sign a lease contract with Cannon Solutions for the Water/Sewer Department, $141.00/month for 60 months Resolution 2020 – 291 Authorizing purchase of Case Model 580 Super N T4F Backhoe from GT Mid-Atlantic LLC through the Sourcewell Cooperative Pricing Program Contract #32119-CNH in an amount not to exceed $103,931.94 Resolution 2020 – 292 Authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits, Walters Development Co., LLC, PB 13-15, Block 92.23 Lots 1, 2 & 30 Resolution 2020 – 293 Authorizing the refund of Escrow Deposits, Walters Development Co., LLC, PB 13-16, Block 92.66 Lots 7, 8 & 23 Resolution 2020 – 294 Awarding Final Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities approval to ZB 16-01, Merritt Plaza, LLC, Block 159 Lot 4, project 455 North Main Street Resolution 2020 – 295 Authorizing the release of Monument Bond to Bunker Hill Homes, Block 174 Lot 46.02 Resolution 2020 – 296 Denying the release of Road Opening Bond to Moonstone for 113 Bengal Boulevard Resolution 2020 - 297 Authorizing a Lien be placed on various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2020 – 298 Resolution opposing a constitutional amendment legalizing recreational cannabis use and sales Resolution 2020 – 299 Resolution opposing JCP&L Verified Petition for a rate increase and request the appointment of a Special Master to audit Resolution 2020 – 300 Resolution urging JCP&L to reimburse residents for spoiled food and medicine during the power outage that began on August 4, 2020 Resolution 2020 – 300A Authorizing employment separation with Tax Assessor Personnel Gail Zalfa Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak:
Items of discussion by Committee members
Resolution 2020 – 301 Authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing contractual matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeeman Bille: Committeeman Cirulli: Committeewoman Kropf: Deputy Mayor Pipi: Mayor Novak: Motion to Adjourn: