Call to Order the May 4, 2021 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the official bulletin board, and in the office of the Municipal Clerk for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeewoman Linda Kropf - Committeeman Pat Pipi - Committeeman Joseph Marte - Deputy Mayor Alfonso Cirulli - Mayor Albert Bille -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record.
Ordinance 2021-8 (Second Reading) Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Chapter 66 of the Township Code entitled “Street and Sidewalks” and specifically section 26 thereof entitled “Permits Required; Fee” Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Ordinance 2021-9 (Second Reading) Ordinance Amending and Supplementing chapter 55 of the Township Code entitled “Land Use” and specifically section 55-5 entitled “General Provisions” and specifically section F, thereof entitled “Marijuana, Cannabis and/or Paraphernalia” to prohibit the operation of any class of Cannabis Businesses within the Township of Barnegat Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille
Resolution 2021 – 154 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $10,324,312.37 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-155 Appointing Legacy Construction Management Inc. for the Owner’s Representative for the New Municipal Building Project Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-156 Resolution authorizing a Chapter 159 in the amount of $4,400.00 be inserted in the 2021 Municipal Budget, for the 2021 Cops in Shops Summer Shore Initiative Grant Program Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-157 Resolution authorizing a Chapter 159 in the amount of $1,500.00 be inserted in the 2021 Municipal Budget, for the Ocean County Tourism Grant 2021 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
Approval of the Township Committee minutes from the April 6, 2021 meeting Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-10 (First Reading) Ordinance Releasing, Extinguishing and Vacating the Rights of the Public in a portion of Paper Streets known as Miro Avenue, Picasso Avenue, and Mulberry Street. Motion to Introduce Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Ordinance 2021-11 (First Reading) Ordinance Establishing Chapter 55A of the Township Code entitled “Building Numbering System”. Motion to Introduce Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of membership for James E. Yorke to the Barnegat Fire Department Approval of membership for Thomas J. Bonfonti Jr. to the Barnegat First Aid Squad Approval of Off Premise 50/50 for American Legion on August 22, 2021 Resolution 2021 – 158 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2021 – 159 Resolution authorizing the Treasurer to move premium monies to the General Fund Resolution 2021– 160 Resolution authorizing the Township to purchase one F350 Truck with Crane under State Contract for Water Sewer Department Resolution 2021 - 161 Resolution authorizing Barnegat Township to partner with Hackensack Meridian Health in recognizing the Month of May as “Paint the Board Pink Month” Resolution 2021 - 162 Resolution authorizing the performance of Fireworks display by Pyrotecnico FX for July 2, 2021 (rain date July 5, 2021) Resolution 2021 - 163 Resolution authorizing the Township to process an Involuntary Disability Retirement application for Anthony King Resolution 2021 – 164 Resolution authorizing Change order 3 through 6 for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021 - 165 Resolution authorizing progress Payment #2 to Frankoski Construction Co. for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021-166 Authorizing application to the NJ Department of Community Affairs to obtain a Grant to remediate and expand Project Playground Park Resolution 2021-167 Resolution accepting and authorizing the execution of a Permanent Utility Easement Agreement with US Home Corporation Resolution 2021 - 168 Resolution authorizing execution and recording of numerous easement documents for Ocean Acres Development, Phase 11 Resolution 2021-169 Authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a Grant to enhance Recreational Programs for Individuals with Special Needs Resolution 2021-170 Resolution authorizing application and acceptance of Federal Grant for the Cops in Shops summer initiative 2021 in the amount of $4,400.00 Resolution 2021-171 Resolution authorizing renewal of Motor Vehicle Junk Dealers license to Modern Day Recycling Inc. Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Resolution 2021 – 172 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel and litigation matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Motion to Adjourn
Call to Order the May 4, 2021 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the official bulletin board, and in the office of the Municipal Clerk for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call of Officials: Committeewoman Linda Kropf - Committeeman Pat Pipi - Committeeman Joseph Marte - Deputy Mayor Alfonso Cirulli - Mayor Albert Bille -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record.
Ordinance 2021-8 (Second Reading) Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Chapter 66 of the Township Code entitled “Street and Sidewalks” and specifically section 26 thereof entitled “Permits Required; Fee” Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Ordinance 2021-9 (Second Reading) Ordinance Amending and Supplementing chapter 55 of the Township Code entitled “Land Use” and specifically section 55-5 entitled “General Provisions” and specifically section F, thereof entitled “Marijuana, Cannabis and/or Paraphernalia” to prohibit the operation of any class of Cannabis Businesses within the Township of Barnegat Motion to open Public Comment: Second: Motion to close Public Comment: Second: Motion to adopt ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille
Resolution 2021 – 154 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $10,324,312.37 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-155 Appointing Legacy Construction Management Inc. for the Owner’s Representative for the New Municipal Building Project Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-156 Resolution authorizing a Chapter 159 in the amount of $4,400.00 be inserted in the 2021 Municipal Budget, for the 2021 Cops in Shops Summer Shore Initiative Grant Program Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-157 Resolution authorizing a Chapter 159 in the amount of $1,500.00 be inserted in the 2021 Municipal Budget, for the Ocean County Tourism Grant 2021 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
Approval of the Township Committee minutes from the April 6, 2021 meeting Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-10 (First Reading) Ordinance Releasing, Extinguishing and Vacating the Rights of the Public in a portion of Paper Streets known as Miro Avenue, Picasso Avenue, and Mulberry Street. Motion to Introduce Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Ordinance 2021-11 (First Reading) Ordinance Establishing Chapter 55A of the Township Code entitled “Building Numbering System”. Motion to Introduce Ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of membership for James E. Yorke to the Barnegat Fire Department Approval of membership for Thomas J. Bonfonti Jr. to the Barnegat First Aid Squad Approval of Off Premise 50/50 for American Legion on August 22, 2021 Resolution 2021 – 158 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2021 – 159 Resolution authorizing the Treasurer to move premium monies to the General Fund Resolution 2021– 160 Resolution authorizing the Township to purchase one F350 Truck with Crane under State Contract for Water Sewer Department Resolution 2021 - 161 Resolution authorizing Barnegat Township to partner with Hackensack Meridian Health in recognizing the Month of May as “Paint the Board Pink Month” Resolution 2021 - 162 Resolution authorizing the performance of Fireworks display by Pyrotecnico FX for July 2, 2021 (rain date July 5, 2021) Resolution 2021 - 163 Resolution authorizing the Township to process an Involuntary Disability Retirement application for Anthony King Resolution 2021 – 164 Resolution authorizing Change order 3 through 6 for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021 - 165 Resolution authorizing progress Payment #2 to Frankoski Construction Co. for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021-166 Authorizing application to the NJ Department of Community Affairs to obtain a Grant to remediate and expand Project Playground Park Resolution 2021-167 Resolution accepting and authorizing the execution of a Permanent Utility Easement Agreement with US Home Corporation Resolution 2021 - 168 Resolution authorizing execution and recording of numerous easement documents for Ocean Acres Development, Phase 11 Resolution 2021-169 Authorizing application to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for a Grant to enhance Recreational Programs for Individuals with Special Needs Resolution 2021-170 Resolution authorizing application and acceptance of Federal Grant for the Cops in Shops summer initiative 2021 in the amount of $4,400.00 Resolution 2021-171 Resolution authorizing renewal of Motor Vehicle Junk Dealers license to Modern Day Recycling Inc. Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Resolution 2021 – 172 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel and litigation matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Motion to Adjourn