Call to Order the November 4, 2021 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the official bulletin board, and in the office of the Municipal Clerk for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll CaUof Officials: Committeewoman Linda Kropf - Committeeman Pat Pipi - Committeeman Joseph Marte - Deputy Mayor Alfonso Cirulli - Mayor Albert Bille -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record
Resolution 2021 - 309 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $8,397,574.07 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-310 Resolution certifying the CY2021 Best Practices Inventory Questionnaire Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-311 Resolution authorizing appropriation transfers during the last two (2) months of the fiscal year Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-312 Resolution cancelling outstanding checks for 2021 due to inactivity and potential invalidness Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
Approval of the Township Committee minutes from the October 5, 2021 meeting Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-22 Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 74 of the Township Code entitled Water/Sewer Utility Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-23 Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55 "Land Use" section 35 entitled "CC-CPHD" Commercial Core Planned Highway Development Overlay zone Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-24 Salary Ordinance establishing salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other Ordinances inconsistent herewith Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of Social Affairs Permit to Mirage Men's Club Foundation on December 10, 2021 Approval of On Premise 50/50 to Heritage Point Women Group on December 13, 2021 Approval of Off Premise 50/50 to Barnegat Sports Boosters LLC on December 11, 2021 Approval of Off Premise Calendar Raffle to St. Mary's Church 1st Wednesday every month for the year 2022 Approval of Instant Raffle to American Legion Post 232 for the year 2022 Approval of Bingo License to American Legion Post 232 for the year 2022 Approval to Brandon Hawkins for membership to the Barnegat Fire Dept. Approval to Daniel Richardson for membership to the Barnegat Fire Dept. Resolution 2021-313 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2021-314 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund tax payment erroneously paid due to totally disabled veteran tax exempt status Block 142.07 Lot 5; 110 Alexander Drive Resolution 2021-315 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund tax payment based on a successful Tax Court Appeal for Block 114 Lot 14.05 10 Barnegat Blvd Resolution 2021-316 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 90.31 Lot 21;9 Cougar Lane Resolution 2021-317 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.122 Lot 33; 5 Pierhead Drive Resolution 2021-318 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.06 Lot 11; 40 Compass Lane Resolution 2021-319 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.59 Lot 9; 121 Freedom Hills Drive Resolution 2021-320 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.39 Lot 2.01; 156 Nautilus Drive Resolution 2021-321 Resolution accepting bid for sale of Block 125, Lot 3, 56 Cape May Avenue pursuant to NJSA40A:12-1 EtSeq. Resolution 2021-322 Resolution authorizing reduction of Site Performance Guarantee for Ocean Acres, Phase II Resolution 2021-323 Resolution authorizing execution of a Storm Sewer Easement with Walters Development Company LLC for Ocean Acres, Phase II Resolution 2021-324 Resolution authorizing Payment #1 to Earle Asphalt Company for the NJDOT FY2021 Pine Oak Blvd, Phase II roadway improvements Resolution 2021-325 Resolution authorizing Township Administrator to sign a contract with Edmunds & Associates, Inc. for software and hardware maintenance for the Tax and Finance offices for the year 2022 Resolution 2021-326 Resolution appointing crossing guards to Non-Union positions for the school year 2021/2022 Resolution 2021-327 Resolution authorizing a Lien be placed of various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2021-328 Resolution authorizing progress Payment #8 to Frankoski Construction Co. for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021-329 Resolution authorizing medical leave to Anthony Altomare Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Resolution 2021 - 330 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel and litigation matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Motion to Adjourn: Second:
Call to Order the November 4, 2021 Township Committee Meeting: Provisions of the Open Public Meetings Law: Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law, adequate Public Notice of this meeting has been given: by publication of the date, time and location in the official newspapers, and by posting on the official bulletin board, and in the office of the Municipal Clerk for public inspection. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll CaUof Officials: Committeewoman Linda Kropf - Committeeman Pat Pipi - Committeeman Joseph Marte - Deputy Mayor Alfonso Cirulli - Mayor Albert Bille -
Comments will be limited to a five (5) minute period per individual. Each speaker must be acknowledged by the Mayor and clearly announce their name, address and group affiliation for the record
Resolution 2021 - 309 Resolution authorizing payment of Bill List in the amount of $8,397,574.07 Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-310 Resolution certifying the CY2021 Best Practices Inventory Questionnaire Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-311 Resolution authorizing appropriation transfers during the last two (2) months of the fiscal year Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Resolution 2021-312 Resolution cancelling outstanding checks for 2021 due to inactivity and potential invalidness Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
Approval of the Township Committee minutes from the October 5, 2021 meeting Motion to adopt minutes: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-22 Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 74 of the Township Code entitled Water/Sewer Utility Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-23 Ordinance amending and supplementing Chapter 55 "Land Use" section 35 entitled "CC-CPHD" Commercial Core Planned Highway Development Overlay zone Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Ordinance 2021-24 Salary Ordinance establishing salaries of certain officers and employees and repealing any and all other Ordinances inconsistent herewith Motion to introduce ordinance: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille:
The below listed items are considered to be routine by the Township of Barnegat and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no formal discussion of individual items. If discussion is desired, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Approval of Social Affairs Permit to Mirage Men's Club Foundation on December 10, 2021 Approval of On Premise 50/50 to Heritage Point Women Group on December 13, 2021 Approval of Off Premise 50/50 to Barnegat Sports Boosters LLC on December 11, 2021 Approval of Off Premise Calendar Raffle to St. Mary's Church 1st Wednesday every month for the year 2022 Approval of Instant Raffle to American Legion Post 232 for the year 2022 Approval of Bingo License to American Legion Post 232 for the year 2022 Approval to Brandon Hawkins for membership to the Barnegat Fire Dept. Approval to Daniel Richardson for membership to the Barnegat Fire Dept. Resolution 2021-313 Resolution authorizing a refund of premiums paid at Tax Sale, various properties Resolution 2021-314 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund tax payment erroneously paid due to totally disabled veteran tax exempt status Block 142.07 Lot 5; 110 Alexander Drive Resolution 2021-315 Resolution authorizing the Tax Collector to refund tax payment based on a successful Tax Court Appeal for Block 114 Lot 14.05 10 Barnegat Blvd Resolution 2021-316 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 90.31 Lot 21;9 Cougar Lane Resolution 2021-317 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.122 Lot 33; 5 Pierhead Drive Resolution 2021-318 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.06 Lot 11; 40 Compass Lane Resolution 2021-319 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 114.59 Lot 9; 121 Freedom Hills Drive Resolution 2021-320 Authorizing the Tax Collector to cancel 2021 taxes and authorize a refund payment for totally disabled veteran Block 92.39 Lot 2.01; 156 Nautilus Drive Resolution 2021-321 Resolution accepting bid for sale of Block 125, Lot 3, 56 Cape May Avenue pursuant to NJSA40A:12-1 EtSeq. Resolution 2021-322 Resolution authorizing reduction of Site Performance Guarantee for Ocean Acres, Phase II Resolution 2021-323 Resolution authorizing execution of a Storm Sewer Easement with Walters Development Company LLC for Ocean Acres, Phase II Resolution 2021-324 Resolution authorizing Payment #1 to Earle Asphalt Company for the NJDOT FY2021 Pine Oak Blvd, Phase II roadway improvements Resolution 2021-325 Resolution authorizing Township Administrator to sign a contract with Edmunds & Associates, Inc. for software and hardware maintenance for the Tax and Finance offices for the year 2022 Resolution 2021-326 Resolution appointing crossing guards to Non-Union positions for the school year 2021/2022 Resolution 2021-327 Resolution authorizing a Lien be placed of various properties for failure to comply with Obnoxious Growth Violations Resolution 2021-328 Resolution authorizing progress Payment #8 to Frankoski Construction Co. for the New Municipal Building project Resolution 2021-329 Resolution authorizing medical leave to Anthony Altomare Motion to adopt Consent Agenda: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille Resolution 2021 - 330 Resolution authorizing the Township Committee to retire into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel and litigation matters Motion to adopt resolution: Second: Roll Call: Committeewoman Kropf: Committeeman Pipi: Committeeman Marte: Deputy Mayor Cirulli Mayor Bille: Motion to Adjourn: Second: